Tuesday 9 September 2008

The Mask Becomes the Face

Over at Mother Jones, Kevin Drum is now pretending to be an idiot. Perhaps he can explain how the Big Scary Monsters are not receiving a massive bailout, or how it is not expensive to taxpayers.

Thursday 17 April 2008

Understanding Starbucks

Megan McArdle doesn't. Their target audience are people with the right combination of ignorance and insecurity to imagine that, because this unpleasantly charred stuff is different, it must be somehow better.

Wednesday 2 April 2008

My House Is Too Big

And too new: it's part of the unfortunate pattern of rising real wealth, which has increased the supply of goods like homes. [The word good here is itself a kind of hint...] Fortunately, Holman Jenkins offers a solution. Let them eat cake, and live in trailer parks: that's where they belong anyway.

[Via Steve Sailer.]

How To Safeguard Your Privacy

I don't know if people have really recognized that the number of output values in this tacky test is not much smaller than the number of possible input combinations; and thus all their inputs, including but not limited to penis size, can be backed out with fair accuracy.

Aren't computers great?

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Wanted: Defenseless Dead

Someone died waiting for that reckless driver's heart. Two died waiting for his kidneys.

Monday 18 February 2008

You First -- No, I Insist

Stanford research fellow Deborah Rogers complains about avoiding natural selection "in the short term".
We need to begin aligning our culture with the powerful forces of nature and natural selection instead of against them.

Because the operation of these forces is more important than such ephemera as technological progress, alleviation of misery, and life itself for a few billion irrelevant earthlings.

Thursday 7 February 2008


Why has no one yet thought to dub Hillary Clinton "The Paranoid Android"?

You heard it here first!

Tuesday 5 February 2008

Soft Sell

Wouldn't you like to be this winsome? Now you know how!

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Look out, Jersey chicks

I've just learned, via Jonathan Chait, that's it's OK to sexually molest poor women: after all, they're just "trailer trash".